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G.M. Andreozzi – Italy

Pubblicazioni Volume VIII°

dal 2008 al 2015

 396) Andreozzi GM, Leone A, Laudani R, Martini R, Deinite G, Cataldi M: Levo-Propionyl-Carnitine improves the effectiveness of supervised physical training on the absolute claudication distance in patients with intermittent claudication. Angiology 2008 59:84-89

397) Andreozzi GM, Arosio E, Martini R, Verlato F, Visonà A: Consensus Document on Intermittent Claudication from the Central European Vascular Forum (2nd revision september 2007). Int Angiol 2008 27:93-113

398) Andreozzi GM, Leone A, Martini R, Laudani R, Salmistraro G: Intermittent claudication as metabolic myopathy: treatment with physical training and metabolic drug. Int Angiol 2008 27 3(s1) 14

399) Martini R, Monteleone F, Marsala U, Andreozzi GM: Feasibility, safety and tolerability of continuous infusion of iloprost by elastomeric pump device in patients with critical leg ischemia. Int Angiol 2008 27 3(s1) 37-38

400) Martini R, on behalf of SIAPAV-CLINOREV working group: Not revascularisable critical limb ischemia, preliminary results from the italian registry of SIAPAV-CLINOREV. Int Angiol 2008 27(s3) 77

401) Andreozzi GM, Leone A, Martini R, Laudani R, Ippolito L: Metabolic balance and results of physical training in diabetic arteriopathy. Int Angiol 2008 27(s3) 78

402) Andreozzi GM, Leone A, Martini R, Laudani R, Salmistraro G: Effectiveness and costs of short-course supervised training program in claudicants. Int Angiol 2008 27(s3) 78-79

403) Camporese G, Bernardi E, Prandoni P, Noventa F, Verlato F, Simioni P, Nita K, Salmistraro G, Grangos C, Rossi F, Cordova R, Franz F, Zucchetta P, Kontothanassis D, Andreozzi GM and The KANT Study Group: Low-Molecular weight Heparin versus Compression Stockings for Thromboprophylaxis after Knee Arthroscopy. Ann Intern Med 2008 149:73-82

403bis) Russell DH: Thromboprophylaxis in knee arthroscopy patients: revisiting value (Editorial). Ann Intern Med 2008 137-139

404) Martini R, Andreozzi GM: Low Frequency Flowmotion Waves in POAD Patients. J Vasc Res 2008 45 S2 08 38C pag 60 (abstract)

405) Bernardi E, Camporese G, Büller HR, Siragusa S, Imberti D, Berchio A, Ghirarduzzi A, Verlato F, Anastasio R, Prati C, Piccioli A, Pesavento R, Bova C, Maltempi P, Zanatta N, Cogo A, Cappelli R, Bucherini E, Cuppini S, Noventa F, Prandoni P; Erasmus Study Group:  Serial 2-point ultrasonography plus D-dimer vs whole-leg color-coded Doppler ultrasonography for diagnosing suspected symptomatic deep vein thrombosis: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 2008 8 300(14):1653-9

406) Andreozzi GM, Leone A, Martini R, Laudani R, Salimistraro G, Deinite G: Effectiveness and costs of a short-course supervised training program in claudicants: proposal for a shared protocol with aerobic working load. Int Angiol. 2008 27(5):401-7

407) Marzolo M, Verlato F, Zotta L, Guadagnin ML, Borgese L, Cravatari M, Nardi M, Camporese G, Andreozzi GM: Occult atherosclerosis and physical vascular examination: a simple strategy to avoid inadequate cardiovascular prevention and under-use of diagnostic vascular guidelines in outpatients. Int Angiol. 2008 27(5):426-32

407bis) Rossato E, Zanetti L, Salmistraro G, Andreozzi GM, Ferraro C: Ruolo della dietoterapia e dell’ecografia ad alta risoluzione nel trattamento con linfodrenaggio manuale del linfedema secondario. Ital J Rehab Med-MR 2008 22:249-54

408) Camporese G, Verlato F, Salmistraro G, Zanon G, Simioni P, Andreozzi GM: Tromboembolismo venoso nel bambino: epidemiologia, diagnosi e trattamento. Min Cardioang 2008 56(s1):14-16

409) Salimistraro G, Camporese G, Martini R, Scomparin MA, Verlato F, Cordova R, Andreozzi GM: Utilità dello screening per l’arteriopatia obliterante periferica. Min Cardioang 2008 56(s1) 67-70

410) Camporese G, Andreozzi GM: Correlazione fra tromboembolismo venoso ed uso di farmaci anti-psicotici convenzionali ed atipici. Min Cardioang 2008 56(s1) 114-116

411) Kakkos SK, Sabetai M, Tegos T, Stevens J, Thomas D, Griffin M, Geroulakos G, Nicolaides AN; Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis and Risk of Stroke (ACSRS) Study Group: Silent embolic infarcts on computed tomography brain scans and risk of ipsilateral hemispheric events in patients with asymptomatic internal carotid artery stenosis. J Vasc Surg. 2009 49(4):902-9

412) Leone A, Laudani R, Deinite G, Martini R, Andreozzi GM: Unbalanced risk factors, could compromise the effectiveness of physical training in patients with intermittent claudication? Minerva Cardioangiol. 2009 57(2):165-74

413) Andreozzi GM: Propionyl l-carnitine: intermittent claudication and peripheral arterial disease. Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2009 10(16):2697-707. Review.

414) Joint Committee for Vascular Cenres of International Union of Angiology (IUA); Section and Board of Vascular Surgery of Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes (SBVS-UEMS), Benedetti-Valentini F, et al: Guidelines for the organisation of vascular centres in Europe. Part I. Int Angiol. 2009 28(5):347-52

415) Nicolaides AN, Kakkos SK, Kyriacou E, et al, Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis and Risk of Stroke (ACSRS) Study Group: Asymptomatic internal carotid artery stenosis and cerebrovascular risk stratification. J Vasc Surg. 2010 52(6):1486-1496.

416) Decousus H, Prandoni P, and CALISTO Study Group: Fondaparinux for the treatment of superficial-vein thrombosis in the legs. N Engl J Med. 2010 23 363(13):1222-32

417) Andreozzi GM: Blocco della Fosfodiesterasi: non solo vasodilatazione. Min Cardioangiol 2010 58(Suppl. 1 al N. 6):11-3

418) Leone A, Laudani R, Martini R, Deinite G, Cataldi V, Andreozzi GM: Integrazione esercizio fisico e farmaci metabolici nell’AOP. Min CArdioangiol 2010 58(Suppl. 1 al N. 6):61-2

419) Leone A, Ippolito L, Lebois M, Salmistraro G, Martini R, Andreozzi GM: Physical Training e Stimolazione FREMS nella claudicazione intermittente. Min Cardioangiol 2010 58 (Suppl. 1 al N. 6):106-7

420) Andreozzi GM, Martini R, Salmistraro G, Leone A, Foresta C, De Toni L, Fiorese C, Salmaso R, Scarpazza O: La stimolazione FREMS nella claudicazione intermittente. Effetti clinici, microcircolatori e cellulari. Min Cardioangiol 2010 56 (Suppl. 1 al N. 6):108-12

421) Andreozzi GM: Il training fisico controllato nel management del paziente con claudicazione intermittente. Min Cardioangiol 2010 58 (Suppl. 1 al N. 6):117-20

422) Camporese G, Labropoulos N, Verlato F, Bernardi E, Ragazzi R, Salmistraro G, Kontothanassis D, Andreozzi GM; Carotid Recanalization Investigators Group: Benign outcome of objectively proven spontaneous recanalization of internal carotid artery occlusion. J Vasc Surg. 2011 53(2):323-9

423) Andreozzi GM, Antignani PL, Monti G: Malattia Venosa Cronica: sinossi per un trattamento medico di qualità. Min Cardioangiol 2011 59 (suppl. 1 al n. 3): 1-34

424) Andreozzi GM: Screening dell’arteriopatia diabetica nei diabetici: quando, come, in quali pazienti? Min Cardioangiol 2011 59 (Suppl. 1 al N. 6):15-8

425) Andreozzi GM, Visonà A, Martini R: Il modello Hub & Spoke in Angiologia/Medicina Vascolare. Min Cardioangiol 2011 59 (Suppl. 1 al N. 6):28-30

426) Martini R, Andreozzi GM, Tiengo C, Azzena B, Mazzoleni F: Videocapillaroscopy study of post traumatic lower limb loss of tissue treated with and without acellular dermal substitute. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 2012 Jan 3. [Epub ahead of print]

427) Andreozzi GM: Sulodexide in the Treatment of Chronic Venous Disease. Am J Cardiovasc Drugs. Am J Cardiovasc Drugs 2012 12 (2) 73-81

428) Martini R, Andreozzi GM: Conservative management in patients with critical leg ischemia. ScienceMed 2012 3,1:39-42

429) Gresele P, Migliacci R, Arosio E, Bonizzoni E, Minuz P, Violi F, and NCX 4016-X-208 Study Group: Effect on walking distance and atherosclerosis progression of a nitric oxide-donating agent in intermittent claudication. J Vasc Surg. 2012 56(6):1622-8

430) Martini R, Andreozzi GM, Deri A, Cordova R, Zulian P, Scarpazza O, Nalin F: Amputation rate and mortality in elderly patients with critical limb ischemia not suitable for revascularization. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2012 24(3 Suppl):24-7

431) Kalodiki E, Stvrtinova V, Allegra C, Andreozzi GM, et al: Superficial vein thrombosis: a consensus statement. International Angiology 2012 31(3):203-16

432) Andreozzi GM: Sulodexide, an old drug with recent renewed interest (Editorial). Curr Vasc Pharmacol. 2013 11(3):352-3.

433) Kakkos SK, Nicolaides AN, Charalambous I, et al: Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis and Risk of Stroke (ACSRS) Study Group: Predictors and clinical significance of progression or regression of asymptomatic carotid stenosis. J Vasc Surg. 2014 Apr;59(4):956-967

434) Andreozzi GM, Kalodiki E, L Gašpar L, Martini R, Minar E, Angelides N, Nicolaides AN, Novo S, Visonà A, Prior M, Arosio E, Hussein EA, Poredos P, Antignani PL, Avram R, Roztocil K, Stvrtinova V, Kozak M, Vacula I: Consensus Document on Intermittent Claudication from the Central European Vascular Forum (C.E.V.F.)-3rd revision (2013) with the sharing of the Mediterranean League of Angiology and Vascular Surgery, and the North Africa and Middle East Chapter of International Union of Angiology. Int Angiol. 2014 33(4):329-47. Review.

435) Andreozzi GM: Role of sulodexide in the treatment of CVD. Int Angiol. 2014 33(3):255-62.

436) Poredos P, Jezovnik MK, Kalodiki E, Andreozzi GM, et al: Medical management of patients with peripheral arterial disease. Int Angiol 2015 34:75-93

437) Andreozzi GM, Bignamini AA, Davì G, Palareti G, Matuška J, Holý M, Pawlaczyk-Gabriel K, Džupina A, Sokurenko GY, Didenko YP, Andrei LD, Lessiani G, Visonà A, and SURVET Study Investigators: Sulodexide for the Prevention of Recurrent Venous Thromboembolism: The Sulodexide in Secondary Prevention of Recurrent Deep Vein Thrombosis (SURVET) Study: A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Circulation. 2015 17;132(20):1891-7

437bis) Blondon M,Bounameaux H: Secondary Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism One Regimen May Not Fit All. Editorial and Comments to SURVET Study. Circulation 2015;132:1856-1859.

438) Popa SO, Ferrari M, Andreozzi GM, Martini R, Bagno A: Wavelet analysis of skin perfusion to assess the effects of FREMS therapy before and after occlusive reactive hyperemia. Med Eng Phys. 2015 37(11):1111-5


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